Campus Connect Team!!!
New Courses Launched
1. Internet of Things
2. Blockchain
3. Speak Up
4. Email Writing Skills
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Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.
Tech News for the Day
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New report demonstrates how prolific cyber attackers are - and the dangers of default login credentials.
At Google Cloud Next 2019 in San Francisco today, Google announced Cloud Run, the newest member of its serverless compute stack, in beta.
Microsoft just released preview versions of its Chromium-powered Edge browser today.
Programmer News for the Day
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Facebook AI team announced a new tool, called Aroma, last week. Aroma is a code-to-code search and recommendation tool that makes use of machine learning (ML) to simplify the process of gaining insights from big codebases.
In this quick post, you'll learn how to get Alluxio and Spark up and running on your machine.
We take a look at how to build a web app using MobX 5 for application state management, and React to create our front-end UI.
Word for the Day
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grimace noun
gri·mace | \ ˈgri-məs , gri-ˈmās\
: a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain
The patient made a painful grimace as the doctor examined his wound.
Puzzle for the Day
Anagram for the Day
Detective Puzzle
After a local bungled heist, five suspects were being interviewed by the police.
Eventually the police managed to get a confession.
Below is a summary of their statements and it turns out that exactly 5 of these statements were true.
Would you make a good detective, try and work out who committed the crime?
Adrian said:
It wasn't Barry
It was Cedric
Barry said:
It wasn't Adrian
It was Derek
Cedric said:
It wasn't Derek
It wasn't Barry
Derek said:
It wasn't Eric
It was Adrian
Eric said:
It wasn't Cedric
It was Derek
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
FLOCK = a gaggle of geese
CLOCK = a device for measuring time
CLICK = what you can do with a mouse
CHICK = a baby chicken
CHOCK = a device to prevent wheels from moving
SHOCK = a surprise
SHACK = a small house
STACK = a pile of cards
STICK = a small piece of wood
STUCK = unable to move.
An anagram is a word made by using letters of another word in a different order.
Example: shot à host
Find the anagram for the following:
Solution (Previous):
Innovation of the Day
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In 1799, the first US patent for a comb-cutting machine was issued to Phineas Pratt of Connecticut as a "machine for making combs."
In 1833, the first U.S. patent for a fireproof safe was issued to Charles A. Gaylor of New York City, as a “fire-proof iron chest.”
In 1888, a French newspaper mistakenly published an obituary for Albert Nobel, inventor of dynamite, calling him “"a merchant of death.” The mistake was that it was actually Albert's brother, Ludwig Nobel, who had just died (at age 56, due to heart trouble). However, shocked by the newspaper's report, Albert Nobel began to seek a change in public opinion, which led to his decision to establish the Nobel Prizes.
Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
When many individual organisms come together and move as one entity, that’s a swarm. From a handful of birds to billions of insects, swarms can be almost any size. They have no leader, and members interact only with their neighbors or through indirect cues. Members follow simple rules: travel in the same direction as those around you, stay close and avoid collisions. Maria R. D’Orsogna shares why.
Some people actively embrace risk by jumping out of aeroplanes, scuba-diving or motor-racing. But we all face risks every day by eating, drinking, walking and driving – simply going about our daily lives carries all sorts of unseen threats. And yet for some reason we don’t judge these risks accurately. Follow Alice and Finn's discussion and learn new words.
Idiom for the Day
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about to
to be at the point where something was just going to be done
I was about to come to you for advise when you called me.
Quote for the Day
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“We haven’t failed. We now know a thousand things that won’t work, so we’re that much closer to finding what will.”
Thomas Edison